
Preview of Effects Methods

The "Every Method" editing demo allows you to preview over 250 editing, analysis and effects methods.

Image Editing Methods
 Analysis Methods
 Color Adjustment Methods
 Color Depth Methods
 Detection Methods
 Effects Methods
 Filter Methods
 Geometric Methods
 Painting and Alpha Methods
 Smoothing Methods
 Other Methods
 Interactive Tools

 Test Images

ImageEnView1.IO.LoadFromFile( 'D:\ImageTest1.jpg' );



// Add a red shadow to the inner border of the image
ImageEnView1.Proc.AddInnerShadow( 10, 0, 0, clRed );



// Add a shadow to the bottom-right of the image
ImageEnView1.Proc.AddSoftShadow( 5, 4, iespBottomRight );


// Add a yellow glow to the image
ImageEnView1.Proc.AddSoftShadow( 5, 0, 0, True, clYellow );



// Apply a bump mapping effect to the image
ImageEnView1.Proc.BumpMapping( ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.Width div 2,
                               ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.Height div 2,
                               50, 50,
                               10, CreateRGB(255, 255, 255) );



// Convert image to cartoon
ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.Cartoonify( clRed );


// Overlay cartoon effect onto image
ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.Cartoonify( clBlack, True );



// Apply a lens effect to the center of the image
ImageEnView1.Proc.Lens( ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.Width div 2,
                        ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.Height div 2,
                        6 );


 makeBorder (IEVision)

// Add a 10px border to all sides by replicating edge content
im := ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.GetIEVisionImage();
im.makeBorder( 10, 10, 10, 10, ievBORDER_REPLICATE, IEVisionScalar( 0, 0, 0 ));


// Add a 10px border to all sides by reflecting edge content
im := ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.GetIEVisionImage();
im.makeBorder( 10, 10, 10, 10, ievBORDER_REFLECT, IEVisionScalar( 0, 0, 0 ));



// Apply pixelation to the selection (with blocks of 2% size)



// Transform image into a monochrome pencil sketch
ImageEnView1.Proc.PencilSketch( True );


// Transform image into a color pencil sketch
ImageEnView1.Proc.PencilSketch( False );



// Simulate a reflection of the image



// Apply a swirl effect to the center of the image
ImageEnView1.Proc.Swirl( -1, -1, Round( ImageEnView1.Height * 0.4 ), 0.80 );



// Apply a wave effect to the image
ImageEnView1.Proc.Wave( 10, 10, 0, false );


// Apply a reflective wave effect to the image
ImageEnView1.Proc.Wave( 10, 10, 0, True );


See Also

 Analysis Methods
 Color Adjustment Methods
 Color Depth Methods
 Detection Methods
 Effects Methods
 Filter Methods
 Geometric Methods
 Painting and Alpha Methods
 Smoothing Methods
 Other Methods
 Interactive Tools