ImageEn, unit iexHelperFunctions



procedure IEDrawShape(Canvas: TCanvas;
                      Shape: TIEShape;
                      Left, Top, Width, Height: Integer;
                      MaintainAspect: TIEBooleanEx = iebDefault); overload;
procedure IEDrawShape(Canvas: TCanvas;
                      Shape: TIEShape;
                      Left, Top, Width, Height: Integer;
                      MaintainAspect: TIEBooleanEx;
                      BorderColor: TColor; BorderWidth: Integer;
                      FillColor: TColor;
                      Angle: Integer = 0;
                      ShapeModifier: Integer = 0); overload;
procedure IEDrawShape(Canvas: TIECanvas;
                      Shape: TIEShape;
                      Left, Top, Width, Height: Integer; MaintainAspect: TIEBooleanEx;
                      BorderColor: TColor; BorderWidth: Integer;
                      FillColor: TColor; FillColor2: TColor = clNone; FillGradient: TIEGDIPlusGradient = gpgVertical;
                      AntiAlias: Boolean = True;
                      Angle: Integer = 0;
                      ShapeModifier: Integer = 0;
                      BorderTransparency: Integer = 255; FillTransparency: Integer = 255); overload;


Draw a TIEShape onto a canvas at the specified size and position.
If MaintainAspect is iebDefault, then shapes are output at the aspect ratio they were designed (if iebTrue then a 1:1 aspect ratio is enforced even if it was not designed with one).
For the first overload, the Canvas Brush is used for color and fill.
For the second, the colors you specify will override the canvas brush.
Angle is the amount of rotation to apply (degrees counter-clockwise).


ShapeModifier has the following effect:
Shape Effect Range Default
iesCustomShape Number of sides of the shape 3 - 50 10
iesCustomStar Number of points of the star 3 - 50 10
iesCustomExplosion Number of points of the explosion 3 - 5012
iesEllipseSegment Width of the ellipse segment (in degrees) 1 - 90 45
iesCustomCog Number of teeth of the cog 3 - 72 12
iesCustomAsterisk Number of points of the asterisk 3 - 72 12
iesCustomFlower Number of petals of the flower 3 - 72 12
iesCustomRadiance Number of rays 3 - 72 12
iesCustomRadiance2 Number of rays 3 - 72 12

You must add the iexHelperFunctions unit to your uses clause
The TIECanvas overload is the same as calling AdvancedDrawShape


// Draw a pink balloon
ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.Allocate( 600, 800 );
ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.Fill( clWhite );
IEDrawShape( ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.IECanvas, iesBalloon, 0, 0, ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.Width, ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.Height, iebDefault, clBlack, 2, $00921CF0 );

// Draw a explosion at the centre of the current image
IEDrawShape( ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.Canvas, iesExplosion, Width div 2 - 100, Height div 2 - 100, 200, 200 );

// Draw a shape to the current the image
IEDrawShape( ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.IECanvas,      // Dest canvas
             iesHeart,                            // Shape
             60, 60, 180, 180,                    // Position
             iebDefault,                          // MaintainAspect
             clRed, 10,                           // BorderColor/BorderWidth
             clNone, clNone, gpgVertical );       // FillColor/FillColor2/FillGradient: TIEGDIPlusGradient

// Add all shapes to a TImageEnMView
for shp := Low(TIEShape) to High(TIEShape) do
  bmp := TBitmap.Create;
  bmp.PixelFormat := pf24bit;
  bmp.Width  := Thumb_Size;
  bmp.Height := Thumb_Size;
  IEDrawShape( bmp.Canvas, shp, 0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height, iebDefault, clNone, 0, clRed );
  idx := ImageEnMView1.AppendImage( bmp );
  ImageEnMView1.ImageBottomText[idx] := IEShapeToStr( shp );;

// Save all shapes as gif files
for shp := Low(TIEShape) to High(TIEShape) do
  bmp := TIEBitmap.Create;
  bmp.Allocate( Thumb_Size, Thumb_Size );
  bmp.Fill(clWhite );
  IEDrawShape( bmp.IECanvas, shp, 0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height, iebDefault, clNone, 0, $00FF8000 );
  bmp.SaveToFile( 'D:\' + IEShapeToStr( shp ) +'.gif');

See Also
