ImageEn, unit iexGoogleApi



function GenerateGoogleStaticMapURL(const ApiKey: String;
                                    OutSizeX, OutSizeY: Integer;
                                    const Location: string;
                                    Zoom: Integer = 12;
                                    MapType: TIEGoogleMapType = iegmRoadmap;
                                    ssMarkers: TStrings = nil;
                                    const ImgFormat: string = 'png'): string; overload;
function GenerateGoogleStaticMapURL(const ApiKey: String;
                                    OutSizeX, OutSizeY: Integer;
                                    Latitude, Longitude: Double;
                                    Zoom: Integer = 12;
                                    MapType: TIEGoogleMapType = iegmRoadmap;
                                    ssMarkers: TStrings = nil;
                                    const ImgFormat: string = 'png'): string; overload;


Returns the URL for a web based map image using the Google Static Maps API.
You can sign up for the service and an API key at:


Parameter Description
ApiKey Your Google Static Maps API key
OutSizeX, OutSizeY The size of the image you want. Max size provided by the service is generally 1280x1280 (values greater than 640x640 will use the API scale parameter to be enlarged)
Location An address or landmark, e.g. 'Brooklyn Bridge, New York, NY'
Latitude, Longitude A decimal latitude and longitude, e.g. 40.714728, -73.998672
Zoom The map zoom level (see description below)
MapType Map style, e.g. road map or satellite image
ssMarkers An optional list of markers to add to the image (see below)
ImgFormat The format of the map image, e.g. 'png', 'png32', 'gif' or 'jpg'

Note: You need an API key that supports the "Google Cloud Vision API". See our instructions for this

Zoom Level

The approximate level of detail for each zoom level:
Value Description
1 World
5 Landmass/continent
10 City
15 Streets
20 Buildings


The set of marker style descriptors is a series of latitude and longitude sets separated by the pipe (|) character. ImageEn requires one marker per line of ssMarkers, or all markers on a single line separated by the pipe (|) character.
These style descriptors contain the following key/value assignments:
 size: (optional) Specifies the size of marker from the set: tiny, mid, small. If no size parameter is set, the marker will appear in its default (normal) size(optional)
 color: (optional) Specifies a 24-bit color (e.g. color=0xFFFFCC) or a predefined color from the set: black, brown, green, purple, yellow, blue, gray, orange, red, white
 label: (optional) Specifies a single uppercase alphanumeric character from the set: A-Z, 0-9

Example: color:blue|label:S|40.702147,-74.015794

For more information:


Demo  Demos\InputOutput\GoogleVisionApi\GoogleVisionApi.dpr


// Show map of Chinatown, New York
url := GenerateGoogleStaticMapURL( MY_API_KEY, ImageEnView1.ClientWidth, ImageEnView1.ClientHeight, 40.714728, -73.998672 );
ImageEnView1.IO.LoadFromUrl( url );

// Show map of Brooklyn Bridge with 3 markers
ssMarkers := TStringList.Create();
ssMarkers.Add( 'color:blue|label:S|40.702147,-74.015794' );
ssMarkers.Add( 'color:green|label:G|40.711614,-74.012318' );
ssMarkers.Add( 'color:red|label:C|40.718217,-73.998284' );
url := GenerateGoogleStaticMapURL( MY_API_KEY, ImageEnView1.ClientWidth, ImageEnView1.ClientHeight, 'Brooklyn Bridge,New York,NY', 13, iegmRoadmap ssMarkers );
ImageEnView1.IO.LoadFromUrl( url );