ImageEn, unit iesettings




property ActivePlugIns: TIEPlugIns;


Returns all of the plug-in DLL's that have been loaded.
You should call RegisterPlugIns once in your application to register plug-ins.
After, you can query ActivePlugIns to see which plug-ins are available.

The following plug-ins are supported:
Plug-In Description
IELib (iepiIELib) Support for Camera Raw formats, and faster loading of JPEG, PNG and JPEG2000
IEVision (iepiIEVision) Advanced functionality plug-in
IELang (iepiLanguages) Localization of the ImageEn user interface and actions in over twenty languages
PDFium (iepiPDFium) Viewing and manipulation of PDF files
ImageMagick (iepiImageMagick) Support for a wider range of image formats (supports both installed and DLL-only versions)


See Also

- RegisterPlugIns
- DLLLoadingLog
- IELibAvailable
- IEVisionAvailable
- PDFiumLibAvailable
- IsAvailable
- ImageEnVersion.IELibVersionStr