ImageEn, unit iexBitmaps




procedure FillFromDirectory(const Directory: WideString;
                            Limit : integer = -1;
                            AllowUnknownFormats : boolean = false;
                            const ExcludeExtensions : WideString = '';
                            DetectFileFormat : boolean = false;
                            const FilterMask : WideString = '';
                            bGetHiddenFiles : Boolean = False);


Fills the MultiBitmap with files from the specified Directory. For each file ImageFileName will be set with the full path.

Parameter Description
Directory The folder to search for files
Limit The maximum number of images to load. Use -1 to retrieve all files
AllowUnknownFormats If false (default) only known and supported file formats are loaded. Otherwise all files are loaded
ExcludeExtensions A comma separated list of file extensions to skip (e.g. 'lyr,all,iev')
DetectFileFormat If true then the image type is detected by reading the header (which can be slow). Otherwise ImageEn only checks the file extension
FilterMask Limits the fill to file extensions found in a comma separated list (e.g. 'jpg,jpeg,jpe'). Specify an empty string to return all supported extensions
bShowHiddenFiles Enable to include hidden and system files (default is false)

Note: Does NOT clear existing content. Use Clear first to replace existing content



See Also
