ImageEn, unit iexBitmaps




property EXIF_SubjectArea[Index: Integer]: Integer;


Specifies the location and area of the main subject in the overall scene. EXIF_SubjectArea has either 2, 3, or 4 values, so Index can be 0 to 3.

The subject location and area are defined by Count values as follows:
Count = 2: Indicates the location of the main subject as coordinates. The first value is the X coordinate and the second is the Y coordinate.
Count = 3: The area of the main subject is given as a circle. The circular area is expressed as center coordinates and diameter. The first value is the center X coordinate, the second is the center Y coordinate, and the third is the diameter.
Count = 4: The area of the main subject is given as a rectangle. The rectangular area is expressed as center coordinates and area dimensions. The first value is the center X coordinate, the second is the center Y coordinate, the third is the width of the area, and the fourth is the height of the area.

 Count = 2 would mean EXIF_SubjectArea[2] and EXIF_SubjectArea[3] are both -1, for example
 Coordinate values, width, and height are expressed in relation to the upper left as origin, prior to rotation processing as per the Rotation tag.
 A string version of EXIF_SubjectArea is available in the iexMetaHelpers unit.

See Also
