ImageEn, unit imageenproc




procedure AutoImageEnhance2(ScaleCount: Integer = 3; ScaleCurve: Integer = 2; Variance: Double = 1.8; ScaleHigh: Integer = 200; Luminance: Boolean = True);


ImageEn offers a selection of functions to automatically enhance an image. AutoImageEnhance2 uses a "Retinex" algorithm to simulate how humans see the world.

Parameter Description
ScaleCount The algorithm is applied to different scales of the image. This parameter specifies the number of scales. Default 3
ScaleCurve Specifies how to build the size of each scale. Allowed values 0..2. Default 2
Variance The output variance. Default 1.8
ScaleHigh Allowed values from 16 to 250. Default 200
Luminance If true the algorithm is applied only to luminance (luminosity) channel, so the algorithm doesn't touch colors

 The default parameters will generally offer an agreeable result
 A UI for this is available to your users in the Image Processing dialog
 If the image PixelFormat is not ie24RGB, it will be converted


Demo  Demos\ImageEditing\AutoEnhance\AutoAdjust.dpr
Demo  Demos\ImageEditing\EveryMethod\EveryMethod.dpr

Comparison of Auto-Enhancement Methods

// Load test image
ImageEnView1.IO.LoadFromFile( 'D:\TestImage.jpg' );


// Improve the contrast and colors in the image


// Use a "Retinex" algorithm to simulate how humans see the world


// Enhance luminosity by applying a local adaptation tone mapping algorithm


// Apply a Wallis Filter to the image


See Also
