ImageEn, unit iepdf




procedure AddShape(X1: double; Y1: double; X2: double; Y2: double; Shape: TIEShape; Angle: Integer;
                   LineColor: TColor; LineWidth: double = 1.0; LineOpacity: double = 1.0;
                   Filled: boolean = False; FillColor: TColor = clBlack; FillOpacity: double = 1.0);


Adds a shape to the current page.

Parameter Description
X1, Y1 Top-left position of the shape (in Adobe points)
X2, Y2 Bottom-right position of the shape (in Adobe points)
Shape The shape to draw (some shapes are unsupported)
Angle Rotation of the shape
LineColor Color of the shape border
LineWidth Width of the shape border (in Adobe points)
LineOpacity Opacity of shape border (0: Fully Transparent to 1.0: Fully opaque)
Filled True to fill the shape with a color. False if fill is transparent
FillColor Color of the shape fill. clNone if there is no fill (even if Filled = True)
FillOpacity Opacity of shape fill (0: Fully Transparent to 1.0: Fully opaque)

Note: "Current Page" is the page that has just been added or set using CurrentPageIndex


// Add a black star with a blue fill
pdf.AddEllipse(100, 200, 500, 300, iesStar5, 0, clBlack, 0.7, 2, true, clBlue, 0.6);

See Also
