ImageEn, unit ievision




procedure setSeamEstimationResol(value: double);


Specify a resolution value to resize images for the Seam finder (to speed up processing).
The value will be a megapixel ratio in the range 0.01..1.0, e.g. 0.5 means the image will be scaled to around 0.5 megapixels.
This will not reduce the quality of the final image, but may affect the accuracy of stitching.

Default: 0.1

Resolution Parameters

There are three stages to stitching:
1. Registration: Finding and matching features in the images, finding camera parameters
2. Seaming: Finding the seams between images, calculating exposure compensation
3. Composition: Creating the final stitched images (seaming, applying exposure and blending)

To speed up processing you can:
 Scale the image used for the registration step using setRegistrationResol (defaults to 0.6). This will not reduce the resolution of the final image (though may affect the accuracy of the stitching)
 Scale the image used for the seaming step using setSeamEstimationResol (defaults to 0.1). This will not reduce the resolution of the final image (though may affect the accuracy of the stitching)
 Scale the composed image (i.e. the stitched result) by setting setCompositingResol (defaults to -1, which maintains the original resolution)


Demo  Demos\IEVision\Stitcher\Stitcher.dpr


  ORIG_RESOL = -1;
  images: TIEVisionVectorImageRef;
  stitcher: TIEVisionStitcher;
  pano: TIEVisionImage;
  status: TIEVisionStitchingStatus;
  images := IEVisionLib.createVectorImageRef();

  stitcher := IEVisionLib.createStitcher( False, ievSTITCH_PANORAMA );

  // Set parameters
  stitcher.setRegistrationResol( 0.6 );
  stitcher.setSeamEstimationResol( 0.1 );
  stitcher.setCompositingResol( ORIG_RESOL );
  stitcher.setPanoConfidenceThresh( 0.7 );
  stitcher.setInterpolationFlags( ievLINEAR );
  stitcher.setWaveCorrection( True );
  stitcher.setWaveCorrectKind( ievAUTO );

  pano := stitcher.stitch(images, status);

  if status = ievSSOK then

See Also
