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 TImageENView with the big sized background
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Posted - Sep 08 2023 :  07:37:58  Show Profile  Reply
I try to use then TImageEnView component to create a big map with some ImageLayers added to the background.
The bacgkround layer is from bmp file 9449 x 3509 pixels size with 32 bits pixel.
When I load this layer in the "standalone" form without additonal layers procedures then zoom, scroll operations are very fast.
But when I have this layer in the with TImageLayers, TextLayers, PolyLineLayers converted to ImageLayer all is very slow.
Can you suggest what shall I change or avoid to fix this problem?

Another question for me is how to remember the positon of the ImageEnView scrollbars when I finish/start/update the window. Now I always lose the position of the edited added layer - the window positons on the left top of the ImageView in the left top of my window.

kindly regards Stan


38653 Posts

Posted - Sep 10 2023 :  20:56:19  Show Profile  Reply
Hi Stan

Please see the list of Layer Performance properties and the examples at:

Does that provide any improvement?

The scroll position should not reset when performing an update. Can you give me more information?

Xequte Software
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